We welcome submissions from both new and previously published authors. In the first instance, please send a synopsis and three sample chapters. We would prefer to receive this by using our online submission form (below).
Electronic versions of your manuscript should be in one file and not separate files for each chapter or section. Use Microsoft Word format and 12-point, double-space Times New Roman font.
Include details such as word count (of complete manuscript), genre and target audience as well as your name and contact details. Any relevant information about the author should also be included.
Once your submission is received it will be considered by an editor, who will assess content, subject matter, suitability for our imprints and its chances of success in the market. If the editor considers the work to be appropriate and of sufficient quality you will be asked to submit your complete manuscript for further consideration before a decision is made on whether we will make an offer to publish.
All our submissions that make it through to the final stages of review are put forward for a traditional contract. On the occasion when we are unable to make an offer but where we still feel that the work is of high standard to be published, we may decide to put forward the option of a shared cost contract. This option may not be for everyone but for those who do wish to continue with this type of contract it brings with it all the backing and expert staff that would accompany a traditional contract.