When active readers want more substance (and fewer pictures), they are ready to pick up one of our chapter books. They are filled with characters with whom you can identify. Empathize with their struggles and cheer with their triumphs.
We know you will appreciate the fun, inspiration found in these titles.

Sandstone Cactus
Tami Brumbaugh
Years of working and waiting are finally being rewarded. A Navajo girl named Michelle earns a horse of her own. She eagerly anticipates leading her pinto filly home on the reservation. Instead, her father’s mistakes leave her family homeless. What will happen to her horse? What will happen to her? As Michelle’s entire life is thrown into turmoil, she struggles with the choice to persevere and grow or withdraw and wither. 90 pp.

The Vine
Tami Brumbaugh
Plunge through a hole in a vine wall into a land based on John 15. The land is tended by a mysterious gardener and threatened by a deceptive crow. In this allegory, Bethany’s journey shows the relationship we can have with God (the Gardener) through Jesus (the Vine). The story also encompasses the life, death and resurrection of Christ to complete the journey of redeeming grace. 130 pp.

Bracelet Brouhaha
Tami Brumbaugh
Six unusual charms dangle on a tarnished bracelet, rescued from inside kitchen pipes. Elizabeth, Grace, Cooper and Megan struggle to decipher their meaning. Their discovery connects them to a family in Afghanistan who desperately need help. A greedy man threatens to derail their efforts, but will he succeed? Experience the impact a group of kids can have when they refuse to quit. 76 pp.

Vole Holes
Tami Brumbaugh
Someone is breaking glass on the trail each day. Mysterious holes are appearing that have surprising contents inside. A stranger is running around in a black hat and cape. Trouble is brewing and the Creekers want answers. They use night vision binoculars in their investigation, but discover looks can be deceiving. Character is determined by a person’s actions, not appearance. 68 pp.

Creek Creature
Tami Brumbaugh
Run for your lives! Protect your pets! Guard your Oreos! A mysterious creature has claimed the creek as its home. It’s up to the Creekers to discover what it is and where it belongs. In the process, they stumble upon a family in a desperate situation after a job loss. The Creekers must learn to expect less so they can give more. 65 pp.

Crate Fate
Tami Brumbaugh
The Creekers think their Mystery Party plans are perfect. What could go wrong when their clues involve Morse code, cipher circles and riddles? Unfortunately, plans slip off track and soon someone is in real danger. Can the mystery guests solve all of the clues before it’s too late? Can you? The Creekers, especially Grace, learn skills to help them keep calm in a crisis. 61 pp.